Survey results show significant improvements at the Public Trustee

The Public Trustee is committed to helping some of the most vulnerable people in the Tasmanian community and a newly commissioned independent survey shows a massive improvement in client satisfaction.

Clients were invited to rank the Public Trustee on a range of client experience measures including respect, communication and accessibility.

Public Trustee CEO, Todd Kennedy, welcomed the report that highlights improvements since undergoing a significant transformation.

“Everyone at the Public Trustee from the Board right through to our frontline workers and our stakeholder group, has made a huge effort to improve the services and support we provide to people in the community,” Mr Kennedy said.

“This also demonstrates that the new client-focused approach, combined with a move towards supported decision-making was showing significant results.

“Critical to our progress has been a focus on front-line services. With additional resources now in place around Tasmania and significantly reduced caseloads, our clients can access the personal service they need.  

“While there is still more work to do, this report clearly shows we are heading in the right direction and are able to make a positive difference in the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the community.”

91 per cent of clients said they were treated with respect with 90 per cent indicating their client account manager was open and honest in their dealings with them.  The overall satisfaction rating with client account managers was 88 per cent.

82 per cent of those surveyed were satisfied with the Public Trustee’s communications (up from 63 per cent in 2023). 78 per said the Public Trustee was helpful on the first call (up from 56 per cent in 2023), 83 per cent said the Public Trustee provided accurate financial information (up from 64 per cent in 2023)

92 per cent client supports surveyed said they knew who to contact for queries (up from 72 per cent in 2023) and 89 per cent said they were satisfied with the represented person’s account manager and the way their finances had been managed.

Click here to review the Represented Person Survey report or speak to the team on call 1800 068 784.

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