Statement from the Public Trustee Board regarding the restructure of the Public Trustee

The Public Trustee Board notes the announcement by the Government regarding the restructure of the Public Trustee.

The Chair of the Public Trustee, Therese Taylor, said that while the Board was surprised by the Government’s announcement, it will work cooperatively to achieve an appropriate governance structure to ensure the best possible outcomes for clients, staff and the Tasmanian community.

The Tasmanian Government will restructure the Public Trustee to bring it within a Government agency, and transfer the commercial will, estate and trustee services currently provided by the Public Trustee to the private sector.

The Government’s announcement includes further analysis to be undertaken into the appropriateness of the government business model for the Public Trustee with recommendations to inform the future operating model. 

The Public Trustee plays a very important role in our community.

“Following the Independent Review into the Public Trustee by Dr Damian Bugg AM KC, the Public Trustee has undergone unprecedented organisational change over the past two years, becoming a more client focused and responsive organisation,” Mrs Taylor said.

“Fundamental changes to the way services are delivered, to the way we communicate with our clients, their families and support services, and the broader community, have been achieved by actively engaging and working with our clients, stakeholders and government. 

“This client-centred approach has achieved wide support from the Tasmanian community.

“Pleasingly we are already seeing the impact of these initiatives with very positive feedback from clients, their families and supports, and the wider community. 

“A recent survey carried out by Myriad Research invited clients to rank the Public Trustee on a range of client experience measures.  The results indicated that the new client-centred approach combined with a move towards supported decision making was showing extremely positive results. 

“The supported decision-making framework, which was launched in October 2023, places those with impaired decision making at the centre of decisions that impact their lives. This framework aligns with the recently legislated Guardianship and Administration Amendment Act.  

“These important organisational changes at the Public Trustee ensure that vulnerable Tasmanian are receiving quality, efficient and effective best practice services. 

“The Public Trustee welcomed the Office of the Economic Regulator (OTTER) inquiry into fees and charges for clients who are required, by legislation, to use the services of the Public Trustee.  The OTTER report was one of the remaining items to be implemented from the Independent Review of the Public Trustee. 

“We regard the report as another step forward, and an opportunity to further transform the organisation, updating long standing fee structures and systems. 

“Following today’s announcement, there are many details relating to the proposed restructuring which will need to be determined. The Board remains committed to working constructively with the Government to represent the interests of our clients, to help inform the transition to ensure the restructured services continue to be best practice and that all clients receive a quality, effective and efficient service. 

“The Board would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our fantastic team of dedicated staff around the State and assure them we will work with the Government to support them during this process.

“At the end of the day, we are committed to doing what’s right for our clients, our staff and the community and we will absolutely play as constructive a role as possible as the Government decides on how it will now manage these very complex, very sensitive issues.”

Click here to view the Public Trustee response to the OTTER report.

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