News and Stories

Post preview - Estate planning for parents of children with disabilities

Estate planning for parents of children with disabilities

Parents of children with disabilities are often concerned about how they can safeguard their child’s future if they are no longer around.  We hope that…

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Post preview - Protecting your legacy is as important as sharing it

Protecting your legacy is as important as sharing it

There is a great quote that said ‘one day your life will flash before your eyes make sure it is worth watching’. Better still, make…

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Post preview - Who will get my superannuation when I die?

Who will get my superannuation when I die?

  Who will get my Superannuation when I die?   Super is a non-estate asset and may not form part of your estate administered under…

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Post preview - What happens to my social media accounts when I die?

What happens to my social media accounts when I die?

In the past, we had photo albums, diaries or letters to convey our personal legacy. Social media has now digitalised all these types of communication.…

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Post preview - Your pet and your Will

Your pet and your Will

  Australians love their pets.  In fact, we have the highest ownership of pets per household in the world!  It is no surprise then that…

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Post preview - Step and blended families and Wills

Step and blended families and Wills

I went to a wedding recently where the beautiful bride had seven grandparents. How is that possible? Well, her father’s parents attended, her step-father’s parents…

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Post preview - Leaving a gift to charity

Leaving a gift to charity

Leaving a charitable bequest in your Will can be a lovely way to create a lasting legacy, to provide continuing support to the causes and…

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Post preview - What to consider when you choose an Attorney

What to consider when you choose an Attorney

Preparing an enduring power of attorney allows you to choose an attorney/s who will take care of your financial needs if your decision-making ability is…

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Post preview - Funeral wishes and Wills

Funeral wishes and Wills

HOW WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED? Expressing your funeral wishes is a thoughtful way of easing the stress on your family in making decisions on the…

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