Keeping Pete’s Musical Legacy Alive

Pete* treasured his trumpet from his high school band days in Burnie. It was more than just an instrument; it symbolised his youthful joy. When his granddaughter Sophie joined her school band and took up the trumpet, Pete was delighted to pass on his passion. He patiently taught her songs, and seeing Sophie perform a piece he had taught her at her school concert filled him with immense pride.

Understanding the sentimental value of his trumpet, Pete realised the importance of ensuring his family knew the stories behind his cherished possessions. After seeing a close friend’s family struggle with distributing sentimental items without a clear plan, Pete decided to act.

He documented his wishes in a Will, making sure his trumpet would be passed on to Sophie and other treasured items to his loved ones.

By preparing his estate plan, Pete made it easier for his family to celebrate his memories rather than face the stress of dividing his belongings. His thoughtful planning kept his legacy through Sophie’s music.

Sharing the stories of your treasured items and preparing an estate plan is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Join our free Seniors Week seminars across the state this October to find out more about creating a Will, enduring power of attorney, and enduring guardianship, register here today

Event Date:Time:Location:
Tuesday 15th October10 – 11:30amBurnie Library
Tuesday 15th October3 – 4:30pmParanaple Centre Devonport
Wednesday 16th October10 – 11:30amLaunceston Conference Centre
Thursday 17th October10 – 11:30amRydges North Hobart

Talk to the Public Trustee and make an appointment today or call 1800 068 784.

Read more client stories here

*Names have been changed to protect the client’s privacy.

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